New Online Piracy Laws: What Australians Need To Know

New anti-piracy laws to target search engines. “However, pirates, facilitated by Google and other search engines, are circumventing Australian Laws and Courts and opening a huge back door.” Australia to target Google and Yahoo under internet piracy Oct 18, 2018 Australian Parliament Passes Tough New Anti-Piracy Law

Dec 14, 2018

Cheers and jeers over anti-piracy laws. Australians who believe that piracy is theft," the CEO of the Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association CEO, Andrew Maiden, said New Anti-Piracy Law In Australia Already Being Abused Gumbercules!! writes: A small Australian ISP has received a demand that it block access to an overseas website or face legal action in the Federal Court, in a case in which a building company is demanding the ISP block access to an overseas site with a similar name. This case is being seen as a test case, potentially opening the way for companies and aggregated customers to use the new anti New Australian anti-piracy scheme is a consumer nightmare

New Australian Law Attacks Piracy Websites - Australia has passed a controversial new law that will allow media companies to request that “pirate” sites be blocked, in an attempt

Feb 07, 2019 · What does an Australian ISP have to do to stop online piracy? The recent court decisions give ISPs 15 days to disable access to the domain names identified in the orders. Only the mirror sites identified in the orders have to be blocked. Nov 29, 2018 · The Australian parliament has now passed a new law expanding site-blocking measures. Australia Tightens Online Piracy Laws. Emma Woollacott Senior Contributor. Oct 18, 2018 · Australian government to introduce new ‘rapid takedown’ anti-piracy legislation today to stop internet piracy in the is pushing for tougher laws that will enable authorities stop a