Aug 09, 2015
How to Fix uTorrent Stuck on Connecting to Peers Mar 22, 2020 Best Utorrent Settings 2020 to Increase Download Speed Jan 30, 2020
Mar 22, 2020 · Run a uTorrent Settings Test. When a uTorrent gets stuck on connecting to peers, it could point to a problem with your network configuration. To help you, the uTorrent client includes a setup guide that will check your network and configure uTorrent’s settings to the most optimal configuration.
Jun 04, 2008 · The other Problem which is most common is Port Forwarding on Airtel Modem(Router) and setting in Utorrent applications. I also faced same problem previously the seeds were 6 and no peers then also i was getting only 2-3KB/s and my line speed is 256Kbps UL. So check Utorrent settings and port forward. then reply back If uTorrent keeps showing this or "No incoming connections - Unless the icon turns green, it could indicate a problem with your network configuration" even after 5 minutes, check the possible causes. To get more peers, right-click the entry on the list, and click Update Tracker (if disabled or grayed out - you need to wait for some time).
Aug 11, 2015 · Anyone having issues with utorrent 3.2.2 and 2.2.1 and the network icon on bottom right corner of utorrent? Since Windows 10 the Network icon is switching from yellow icon "no incoming connections" to the green icon "ok" continuously. My ports are showing open and utorrent is setup as always to work fine but not in Windows 10 it seems
No incoming connections even after portforward my utorrent Nov 15, 2008 Windows Firewall block all incoming connections